time is distance and distance is distance

time is distance and distance is distance
and the heart aches to cross both,
yearning across boundaries,
loving across boundaries.
i build a nest in my heart,
furnish it lavishly, comfortably,
keep it warm for when you return.
you step inside, melting me with a smile
and a simple, frank, “i love you,”
and the miles and days melt away.

time is distance and distance is distance,
and the heart aches to cross both.
what would i do to have you back again,
as we once were?
what history, what learning, would i erase
to stretch again in the warmth of your regard?
a push against the limitations of the possible, of the real.
i would not be other than i am.
though this appears to mean i have lost you.

time is distance and distance is distance
and a heart aches, standing,
still, and growing.